It’s time to sum up the year and look ahead to 2024. Following a few truly successful years for the industry, 2023 saw a major slowdown. The economic unrest was not confined to our industry, but characterized many parts of society.
I dare say the sawmill industry is one of the sectors in the absolute best position to cope with these kinds of ups and downs. Two important aspects are our long-term approach and the knowledge that economic prospects will take a turn for the better again. Daring to hone our processes and work to improve operations in these tough times provides a great sense of security. It’s great to take part in this.
And with that, I would also like to thank you for the trust and cooperation during this past year. There is every reason to be hopeful for the future, and regardless of the market situation, we will continue doing our best to support you and work to increase the use of wood.
People who know Valutec, also know we aim to stay at the forefront. In recent years, we have taken a holistic approach to sustainability, a field in which we seek to lead developments.
We see it as another quality aspect where our work not only concerns ensuring a small carbon footprint through the choice of smart materials and designs, but also social sustainability where occupational health and safety in kilns are at the core. For Valutec, the economic aspect of sustainability is very much about designing installations that are able to deliver the best drying processes on the market for a very long time.
We're looking forward to seeing you again in 2024.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely Robert Larsson