Valmatics 4.0
Lumber kiln drying is one of the most quality-critical processes in sawmill production. Valmatics 4.0 is our latest control system, developed for industry 4.0, which allows sawmills around the world to automate and optimize drying in all types of lumber kilns. High process quality is guaranteed by simulators programmed with data from hundreds of thousands of measurements that enable the calculation of drying processes with unbeatable accuracy from beginning to end.
Valmatics 4.0 is the only control system on the market that combines simulator technology with adaptive control, and enables optimization based on capacity, quality and energy consumption. Simultaneous.
Valmatics 4.0 means modern TC continuous kiln functions can be put to full use. All the kiln operator needs to know is the incoming and desired outcoming moisture content – the system does the rest. This frees up time for more important operations such as saw planning, quality control and sampling.
Why it makes sense to upgrade to Valmatics 4.0
A great way to increase the performance of an older wood dryer is to upgrade the dryer control to Valmatics 4.0.
The great thing is that it is possible to update all wood dryers, regardless of brand, with Valmatics 4.0. Simply put, the older the control system, the more performance you can gain from the change.
- It's built for Industry 4.0 with integrated simulator technology for all kiln models.
- It's the market's only simulator for batch kilns and TC continuous kilns.
- Modern, intuitive user interface.
- Adapted for use with the latest PLC technology.
- Backward compatibility to reduce upgrading costs.
- Improved parameter control.

Robert Weithofer
Authorized Sales Agent, North America