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Vacation shutdown checklist

We are heading for the summer interval where a lot of sawmills take the opportunity to give their kilns a rest. This is an excellent opportunity to carry out thorough checks of your installations.
“The cost of an unscheduled shut down is incredibly high. But a lot can be prevented. We would once again like to emphasize the importance of preventive maintenance. The summer is an excellent time to carry out checks if the kilns will be shut down anyway,” says Joakim Berglund and Fredrik Åhman, Valutec’s experts in maintenance and service issues.


Setra Group invests in TC kilns from Valutec to two swedish sawmills

Just under two years ago, Setra Hasselfors became the first sawmill within the Setra Group to invest in Valutec TC drying technology. Now they are investing in new TC wood drying kilns for both Hasselfors and the sawmill in Heby, both located in Sweden. 
“The properties of the TC continuous kiln fit well into the Setra Greenness philosophy. They offer the precision of the batch kiln in combination with high capacity and efficient heat recovery. Another bonus with it is that we don’t get tied to one batch size if we’d like to switch to larger ones in the future to reduce handling and further increase drying capacity,” says Jonas Fintling, Site Manager at Setra Hasselfors.