Valutec participated in the spring meeting of the West Coast Dry Kiln Association in Astoria, Oregon, on April 29th. Robert Weithofer, authorized sales agent, and Sales Manager Joakim Berglund presented Valutec's continuous kiln technology and took the over 50 participants on a tour to Hampton Lumber, where a TC continuous kiln has been in operation for three years.
"It was raining almost horizontally during the day, but everyone participated with great interest,” says Joakim Berglund. “The way we build and develop our kilns is different from what many North American sawmills are used to. So, we are very grateful that we were able to show one of our TC kilns in action at Hampton Lumber.”
Unlike other suppliers, Valutec builds its lumber kilns in stainless steel and with features such as pressure frames, tight doors, 98%+ uptime, ease of maintenance and a range of other advantages that ensure a more quality-assured drying process.
"North American sawmills are very focused on issues such as standard deviation from final moisture content and quality of the end products. This contributed to many seeing the benefits of our way of building lumber kilns and managing the drying process. I also believe it was an eye-opener that the investment becomes so economically appealing, considering the quality advantages we can demonstrate with our kiln models,” says Joakim.
Among the participants were everyone from sawmill owners to operators. Participating sawmills ranged from large sawmill groups to smaller family-owned businesses.
"Such an opportunity to meet people in the sawmill industry is obviously fantastic for us. We want to extend a big thank you to Marty Brint who is the overall drying manager at Hampton Lumber, for giving us the chance to take part in the forum and visit their facility. It was very valuable and a rewarding day for us," says Robert Weithofer, authorized sales agent at Valutec.
The West Coast Dry Kiln Association was established over 70 years ago. The Association holds periodic meetings at locations throughout the Northwestern parts of North America. Read more at http://www.westcoastdrykiln.com/about.html